Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir

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Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir Customer Reviews

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Lisa N -- This book will change how you see justice and the law : As a person with a longtime interest in abolishing the death penalty and a legal degree from the school of tv courtroom dramas :), I was intrigued to read this story of two Chicago lawyers and a Southern nun lawyer taking on the archaic and prejudicial legal system of Alabama on behalf of a death row inmate. I am grateful for Donald Clark documenting this story, as it probably would never have made it into a Hollywood script. Movie stories involving the death penalty inevitably focus on defending what Clark terms the "factually innocent." This story reflects the more common reality, the shades of gray involving seeking justice for someone who committed the crime. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from SAMH -- Securing justice for Tommy : This book takes us through the most fascinating journey of the defense of a man guilty of a crime. Tommy did commit murder; he was on death row in Alabama. Clarke’s story invites us inside the legal system to better understand how Tommy’s conviction was a comedy of errors. Clark shares how, why and what was done to ensure justice for Tommy (all pro-bono work). Clark, a corporate attorney from Chicago secured help from an unlikely source ; a nun in Alabama. Sister Lynn was also an attorney who was passionate about the human rights of each individual. She believed that society “didn’t need to be in the business of killing people to demonstrate it was wrong to kill people”. Don Clark and Sister Lynn made a great team as they set about to challenge Tommy’s post-conviction death penalty. Clark moves the story along and he nicely includes the legal and humanistic sides of the situation in easily understood, realistic terms. This is a good read for everyone, even those of us not a part of the legal world. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 23, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Ann Straus -- Careful Expression of What is Really True : This is a thorough and thoughtful expression of what is true and what is not. Fighting for what is humanly right was skillfully illustrated in Summary Judgement and that all guilty verdicts have their own degrees of right and wrong. The appropriate application of the law is a slippery slope when factored with the limitations of life and what comprises the human spirit to know what is right and wrong. This is a great read for anyone interested in getting to the practical and humanistic application of the law in our lives today. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from John C -- When the Law Asks for Justice... : Clark tells a compelling story, and in doing so reminds us that the application of the law and the pursuit of justice don't always align. He shares a personal account of his effort to advocate for a death row inmate whose conviction was the result of errors that required attention and remedy - in a system that rarely provides that. He reminds us how important the foundations of law are as he walks us through the challenges faced by those called to uphold them. This is an important read for those who want to be reminded that within our courts of law the pursuit of justice must be adhered to and fought for every step of the way by artisans committed to the common good, willing to fight through and beyond all obstacles, and fastidious in their adherence to sound principles of jurisprudence. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Elizabeth M. Hauk -- A compelling look at justice from the inside. : I purchased this book based on a recommendation and I have to say, I was anticipating having trouble reading it, as I have no legal background. I was more than pleasantly surprised. Mr. Clark did a tremendous job explaining the legal terms, and I had no trouble following his story. He presented all the information in such a riveting manner that I finished the book in one day. He gave such compelling insight into the way guilt is perceived, both legally and factually and gave me much more understanding of innocent until proven guilty. Such a fascinating look at legal proceedings and the relevance for all of us. I highly recommend this book! ( Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Imelda Maurer -- A clear look at the state and history of our legal system : This is a fascinating book by virtue of its subject matter, the persons who make up this drama and the superb writing. Donald Cameron Clark, an attorney who does not support the death penalty, writes with vivid descriptions of scenes and with a master's touch in speaking of legal history and brilliant legal strategy. Clark also lays out so clearly how the poor and marginalized are treated so differently in our legal system. The story about Tommy Hamilton is one of brilliant legal advocacy from a team who seeks justice for Tommy as he waits on death row to be executed. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from ernest hauk -- A great look into the justice system. : An in-depth look into the justice system, particularly where the death penalty is involved. The human call to examine hearts is compelling as seen through the words and actions of a small town Nun, unexpectedly a skilled attorney, and her powerful effect on a big city attorney in an effort to help a death row inmate. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from JEANNE FOODY GALZIN -- Excellent read : Loved the very interesting story. Well worth the time to read. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2021 )

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Sentencia Sumaria: Memorias De Un Abogado: Clark, Donald Cameron ... Sentencia Sumaria: Memorias De Un Abogado: Clark Jr., Donald ... Sentencia Sumaria: Memorias De Un Abogado De Donald Cameron ... Libros - Donald Cameron Clark, Jr. 'Sentencia Sumaria: Memorias De Un Abogado' Con El Autor Donald ... Juicio Sumario: Memorias De Un Abogado Por: Donald Cameron ... Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir Archives - Baptist ... Rule 56. Summary Judgment | Federal Rules Of Civil ... Summary Judgment Motion | Lawyers.Com What Is A Summary Judgment? - Lawyer Fights For You "El Juicio Sumario es más que una simple memoria : es un manual básico sobre la práctica posterior a la condena en casos penales, un" llamado a la acción "para que todos los profesionales del derecho realicen un trabajo pro bono y un consuelo para quienes luchan por ver un ejemplo de la vida real que demuestra que la justicia puede prevalecer. También debería ayudar al público a comprender que no ... "El Juicio Sumario es más que una memoria: es un manual básico sobre la práctica posterior a la condena en casos penales, un" llamado a la acción "para que todos los profesionales del derecho realicen trabajos pro bono y un consuelo para quienes luchan por ver un ejemplo de la vida real que demuestra que la justicia puede prevalecer. También debería ayudar al público a comprender que no ... Sentencia sumaria : Memorias de un abogado 318. por Donald Cameron Clark | Reseñas editoriales. Libro de bolsillo. De tapa dura. $ 26,95. Libro de bolsillo. $ 14.95 $ 14.95. Ver todos los formatos y ediciones disponibles. Envíe este artículo: califica para envío gratuito Compre en línea, recójalo en la tienda Verifique la disponibilidad en las tiendas cercanas ... RESUMEN JUICIO , A ABOGADO DE MEMORIA deja a todos los condenados a muerte. Pocos lo dejan vivo. Durante el verano de 1984, Tommy Hamilton, de veinte años, producto de una infancia desfavorecida en una zona rural de Alabama, dispara y mata a su jefe. Condenado por asesinato, Tommy es condenado a muerte. Antes de enfrentarse a la silla eléctrica, un último llamamiento ofrece la oportunidad de ... El abogado Donald Cameron Clark Jr. se unió al presentador Jon Hansen para hablar sobre su libro Juicio resumido : Memorias de un abogado . El autor Clark analiza el caso de dos abogados de Chicago y una monja de Alabama que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para representar a un preso condenado a muerte y luchó por demostrar que no era culpable aunque no era inocente. Descargue el Juicio Sumario : Memorias de un abogado Por: Donald Cameron Clark [Audiolibro] gratis - Descargue películas, programas de televisión, series, libros electrónicos, juegos, música, tutoriales ... Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir Attorney and author believes death penalty is wrong, even for the guilty Death penalty opponents must not shrink from challenging capital punishment even for those suspects factually guilty of committing heinous crimes, says attorney Donald Cameron Clark Jr. A party may move for summary judgment, identifying each claim or defense — or the part of each claim or defense — on which summary judgment is sought. The court shall grant summary judgment if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. A summary judgment motion is one party's effort to put an early end to a lawsuit, so it's crucial to understand what this motion involves and what it could mean to your case. Updated: Apr 9th, 2015 A motion for summary judgment, if granted, can bring a quick end to a civil case, including a personal injury lawsuit . En términos técnicos, un juicio sumario es un procedimiento que se utiliza en un litigio civil para resolver oportunamente un caso sin celebrar un juicio. Pero para que un juez emita un juicio sumario , no puede haber disputas sobre los hechos del caso, y el único tema que queda por decidir es el de la ley. En un litigio civil, un juez decide cuestiones de derecho ... Sep 7, 2021 — An Amazing True Story, Candidly Told From A Lawyer's Perspective! Tommy Hamilton Is Sentenced To Death For Killing A Man, Along With His Then  Rating: 4 2 Reviews Jul 31, 2021 — Author Clark Discusses The Case Of Two Chicago Lawyers And An Alabama Nun Who Volunteered To Represent A Death Row Inmate And Struggled To Prove  Sep 7, 2021 — Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir Everyone Leaves Death Row. Few Leave It Alive. During The Summer Of 1984 Twenty-Year-Old Tommy Hamilton,  Oct 16, 2021 — "Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir" By Donald Cameron Clark, Jr. Sgian Dubh Press (Los Angeles, California, 2021). 318 Pp., $14.95. A Chicago Trial Attorney Details His Time Representing A Southern Death Row Inmate In This Debut Memoir. After Volunteering For The Death Penalty  “Summary Judgment Is A Compelling True Story That Exposes How Conviction Of Innocents Is Not The Only Flaw To Be Guarded Against In Our Criminal Justice  Order A Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir Today From Whsmith. Delivery Free On All Uk Orders Over £10. Find Many Great New & Used Options And Get The Best Deals For Summary Judgment A Lawyer's Memoir Like In The Us At The Best Online Prices At Ebay! Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir by Donald Cameron ... 'Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir' with author Donald ... Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir | Books SUMMARY JUDGMENT | Kirkus Reviews Books Summary Judgment: A Lawyer's Memoir by Donald Cameron Clark ... Summary Judgment a Lawyer's Memoir Like in The US for sale ...

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